Saints Row: Gat out of Hell is a stand-alone expansion of the critically acclaimed and commercially successful Saints Row IV. Built on the same engine, it has updated graphics and includes various new elements to the gameplay.
This time you are given control over one of the main characters of previous games, Johnny Gat, as well as Kinzie, who we've seen in Saints Row 3 and 4. This expansion is very co-op oriented, but can be played alone. Instead of Matrix-like superpowers you are given angelic and demonic abilities like flight of fire from the sky, as well as cleverly-designed and balanced weaponry. In the series's traditional crazy fashion you are now roaming the open world of hell on a quest to defeat Satan himself. Hence the specific design choices and hilarious new environments. Unfortunately, the new map is rather compact and is basically a smaller redone map from SR IV, and even though the new powers are fun, there's little place to use them. The story is criminally short, albeit funny, and most of the time you'll be engaged in repetitive side missions unlocking progress.
Despite being an obvious attempt to squeeze a little bit more life out of an aging franchise before a reboot, Gat out of Hell is still fun to play. It's short, clever and fun.